Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Jeff Show: Denver Tips

    Vesta Dipping Grill
For those of you who know me well, know that I like to fly and am also a fountain of knowledge about American Airlines.

For example, did you know that the spare aircraft for planes that fly in and out of New York LaGuardia are parked in Newark? Last month I was headed to Denver for a gig. The plane to Chicago broke down in New York. It took four hours to get the plane to Chicago since the eleven minute flight for the spare plane took three hours because air traffic control held it in Newark. So, I sat at O’Hare Airport all day waiting for a plane. Did I mention that I love to fly? Not as much as before that day.

Speaking of Denver, here are a few tips:

  • First, let's talk food. The area around Coors Field is very cool and features many new restaurants. I was impressed by the Vesta Dipping Grill. Their hook is (go figure) they have dipping sauces for everything -- from barrel aged hot sauce to basil emulsion to crème anglaise -- I mean everything. However, they offer unique and delicious dinners on their menu like Colorado Striped Bass or Madras Grilled Venison, and a terrific drink menu to boot.
  • Now, let's talk about getting in, out, and around Denver. First, fly out of Denver early. Actually, try to fly out as early as you can to any destination.
  • Forget about pre-check. The line is longer then the regular lines. Just use the first class security line. The TSA people don’t care what class you are in. Everyone is cattle to them.
  • When driving to and from the airport, if they are not working on the interstate you are using , it means traffic is so heavy they forgot it’s a road. Take however long you think it’s going to take to drive to your destination and double the travel time.
  • Denver drivers have two speeds, up your butt or stopped. Sometimes that's the same thing.
I was going to write about Hawaii this month but decided to wait until I'm back again in November. Next month, I'll circle back to Indy, which was supposed to be this time. Oh well, until next time.


  1. if you want a real Denver only experience be in one of those Coor's field bar / restaurants at exactly 2am .. in most cities they gradually get every one out by stopping the serving of Alcoholic beverages early and remaining open after the 2am sale cutoff-limit..... NOT in Denver. EVERY bar and club and restaurant pushes ALL of their customers out the door at exactly 2am..
    Imagine if you will 10,000 or more drunks hitting the street at the same time.. sit back and enjoy the show it's a good one! or do as we did and flag one of those rickshaw bicycle taxies back to your hotel . man what a hoot.
    Good flying
    Joe de

  2. And that truly, is Denver in a nutshell. Thanks Jeff. Hope to see you sometime soon!
    Mark Weber
